vCenter Site Recovery Manager

SRM test results: 8 mins. “that’s all?” (worked too well)

via the new blog, VMGuy, from VMware SE Dave.

Link: VMware Communities: Manual Automation: Site Recovery Manager is a Hit!.

I have more testing to do but can report that I’m starting 4 VMs
from a single replicated LUN in 8 minutes. And I’m not talking about
from the time of just powering on, I’m talking about pressing the "big
red (test) button" – powering-up the VMs – starting the Windows
services – and the recovery plan completion. Try that using physical
servers! Sorry, but even restoring servers from a B2D solution that’s
replicated to your DR site won’t be as fast.

I demonstrated SRM for the DR team and initially got a "that’s all?"
kind of reaction. I quickly realized that SRM, with the combination of
array-based replication, +worked too well+! Meaning, it did such a good
job of hiding the complexity and number of steps required to get from A
to Z that my non-technical DR teammates didn’t understand what SRM was
really bringing to the table. If there’s only one thing you take away
from this article, make sure it’s that you’re better off explaining in
simple terms the steps SRM is executing in the background before
running a demonstration.

Talking about the virtues of SRM is one thing (the recovery run book,
the steps it automates, the testing capabilities (which are awesome
by-the-way), etc.), demonstrating these product features for your DR
team is another. If your experience is like mine, you’ll find it
dramatically influences the discussions on