vCenter Site Recovery Manager

SRM, it’s just too easy » Yellow Bricks

Duncan over at Yellow Bricks has some words of wisdom for your BCDR project.

SRM, it’s just too easy » Yellow Bricks.

There a whole bunch of SRM projects going on globally where VMware PSO,
the department I work for, is assisting. These projects typically have
a duration of 3 to 9 months, while it seems that with the ease of
VMware Site Recovery Manager this should be a matter of days.

People tend to forget that the most important thing about Distaster Recovery / Business Continuity is the business. You need to know the organisation and IT environment very well before you can even start …

The fact that SRM is so
easy to setup makes it really hard to actually explain to a customer
why a BCDR project will take much longer then he expected.