
VMworld withdrawal? Call in to the Communities Roundtable podcast

Update #2: Leena can’t make it, but will be here next week. VMware’s own blog firebrand and SE extraordinaire Mike DiPetrillo will be joining us instead to talk about what’s on his mind.

We’re honored to have Leena Joshi with us in our second half to talk about the Virtual Datacenter OS. Her session was a big hit at VMworld, so please join us for this Q&A session.

Coming this Wednesday –  VMware Communities Roundtable #19

What: VMware Communities Roundtable #19
Topic: open topics
When: Wednesday, October 1
Noon Pacific / 3pm Eastern / 8pm British
Listen and chat: Go here and click the TalkShoe Live! button to listen live and join the chat
Phone in and ask a question: Phone number (724) 444-7444 followed by 19367#
Then if you’re not a member just type 1# for your PIN
You’ll be on hold but will hear the call.
When you want to ask your question, hit "*8" on your phone and you’ll
go in a question queue.  You’ll get a message that you’re unmuted when
we’re ready for your question.
Call in via VOIP: Use a VOIP client to
Go here and click the TalkShoe Live! Pro button to use ShoePhone to talk via VOIP

No guest this week (although I have a few calls out  — if you have something interesting to say tomorrow, drop me a line or just give us a call), but we always have a good time. Have VMworld withdrawal? Then think of this like you were having a pint with the guys at the V-bar after a day of labs and sessions in Vegas.

See you tomorrow!