
VMworld Birds of a Feather Sessions

In previous years at VMworld, the Birds of a Feather (BoFs) sessions were tucked away in the lunch room and at odd times. BoFs are informal sessions of people who share a general interest — the term may go back to the sixties. If you went to the BoFs, they were usually really interesting as you compared notes  with other attendees and actual live VMware engineers and product managers. (Don’t forget that the VMware folks will also be at the Genius Bar on the main Solutions Exchange floor, by the way.)

This year, we’re trying something different. There’s a "Virtual Plaza" outside the Solutions Exchange with 7 track lounges. On Tuesday and Wednesday, there will a set of prescheduled BoFs — the same schedule each day. They were available in the Session Builder, but are open to everybody on a drop-in basis as well. They’re right there close by the sessions and should be well-worth going to, but they’re pretty unstructured and are about whatever discussions you’d like to generate. There will be VMware technical staff at the BoFs.

Since the Content Catalog is a bit, um, social media unfriendly, and I can’t just link to a page listing the BoFs if you’re not logged in, I’ll reprint the BoF schedule here:

Tues & Weds Session Topic Track Lounge
10:30AM BOF100 Windows on the Mac with Fusion Virtualization 101
BOF101 Virtualizing Desktops in the Enterprise – Opportunities and Challenges for VDI Desktop Virtualization
BOF102 High Availability Business Continuity
BOF103 Installation/Configuration/Upgrade Planning & Operations
BOF104 Virtual Machine Provisioning and Change Management Automation
BOF105 Virtual Appliances and (V)Services Enterprise Applications
BOF106 Networking/Converged Networks Technology & Architecture
11:30AM BOF107 Licensing Your Apps for the Virtual World and How Virtual Appliances Can Help Virtualization 101
BOF108 Application Virtualization – Co-existing with Desktop Virtualization Desktop Virtualization
BOF109 Disaster Recovery Business Continuity
BOF110 Performance and Benchmarking Planning & Operations
BOF111 Managing Lab Infrastructure with VMware Lab Manager Automation
BOF112 Virtualizing Business Applications (SAP, Oracle E-Business, etc) Enterprise Applications
BOF113 Security Technology & Architecture
2:00PM BOF114 Virtualization for Administrators, Software Publishers, and Developers Virtualization 101
BOF116 SDKs , APIs and Toolkits Technology & Architecture
BOF117 Application Release Management with Stage Manager Automation
3:00PM BOF118 Proof Points: How to Convince Your Executives to Go Virtual (Sharing Battlewounds on Getting Budget and Approvals) Virtualization 101
BOF119 Client Side Desktop Virtualization (Workstation, Fusion, Player, ACE) Desktop Virtualization Networking Lounge
BOF120 Storage/SANs in a Virtual Environment Business Continuity
BOF121 Cloud Computing Technology & Architecture
BOF122 Operationalizing your Virtual Infrastructure Planning & Operations
BOF123 Test and Development w/Lab Manager & Workstation Automation
BOF124 Virtualizing Email and Messaging Applications (MS Exchange, Lotus, etc) Enterprise Applications
4:00PM BOF125 Designing and Deploying an Enterprise Desktop Solution Desktop Virtualization
BOF126 Server Consolidation and Scalability Planning & Operations
BOF127 Virtualizing Databases and Application Servers Enterprise Applications


Something for everyone, don’t you think? The other interesting thing that’s going on with the BoFs is that the rest of the 4pm slots and all the slots on Thursday are open for ad hoc BoFs. If you don’t see a topic you’d like to talk about, just drop by the lounges when you get in to Vegas and sign up to create one. (You are also signing up to be the de facto BoF leader, so you actually should show up to said BoF, OK?) We’ll post the schedule at the show.