podcasts VMworld2008

Cisco Nexus 1000V virtual switch & VMworld – Communities Roundtable Podcast #18

We’re back in the saddle again. Last week we recorded a few podcasts in Vegas under the moniker VMworld Live. This week we were pleased to have as our guest VMware’s own Guy Brundson, who normally blogs at our VMware Networking Blog. Our main topic of discussion was the newly announced Cisco Nexus 1000V, the new virtual switch that will be coming to a future version of VMware Infrastructure and will allow your network team to control your virtual network just like they control your physical network.

We also recapped some of our VMworld experiences. Listen via the widget to the right or via mp3 (51:19 duration). The TalkShoe page has the feeds, etc.

Next week, same time, but I have no idea about our topic or guest. After a week in Vegas, that’s about as much living on the edge as I can deal with… (Suggestions for topics welcome.)