
Call in to ‘Ask the Experts’ podcast – Weds/Tomorrow

We’re trying something a little different on tomorrow’s VMware Community Roundtable podcast. In the spirit of VMworlds past and session PO1861 from VMworld 2008, we are having an "Ask the VMTN Experts" session. Our roundtable panel is more-or-less the same people that will be on the panel at VMworld, all user moderators from the VMware Communities — and they pretty much know when you’re about to shoot yourself in the foot, because they’ve seen the bullet holes in many shoes.

So now’s a great time to ask them a question  — design, troubleshooting, or even just to talk about a recent thread or blog post. It’ll also give you a good excuse to say hi at VMworld.

What: VMware Communities Roundtable #16
When: Wednesday, Sept 3
Noon Pacific / 3pm Eastern / 8pm British
Where: Phone number (724) 444-7444
How: Type in Call ID 19367 followed by the pound sign #
Then if you’re not a member just type 1# for your PIN
You’ll be on hold but will hear the call.
When you want to ask your question, hit "*8" on your phone and you’ll go in a question queue.  You’ll get a message that you’re unmuted when we’re ready for your question.

Other ways to ask a question:

  • Go here while the call is going on,
    and click to join the call (you can do it as a guest). You’ll get a chat window
    with a streaming audio. Listen to the audio, ask via the chat.
  • Email me before the call (jtroyer @ vmware)
  • PM any of the panel members/user modeators before the call: I’m not sure who is going to be there, but the usual suspects are: Texiwill, esiebert7625, jasonboche, sbeaver, juchestyle, Dave.Mishchenko, and sometimes tom howarth, Ken.Cline, and kix1979.

Hope to see you on the call.