VMware Infrastructure 3

alternative installation process for ESX 3.5U2 patches

Link: VMware Communities: ESX 3.5U2 Patch experiences? ….




Dear VMware Customers,

In addition to the express patch and the re-issued ESX/ESXi 3.5 Update
2 release, we now have an alternative installation process for
customers who haven’t applied either to hosts that were affected by the
product expiration issue.

Below are the details we list at http://www.vmware.com/landing_pages/esxexpresspatches.html:

*Known VMware ESX 3.5 Update 2 Express Patch Installation Challenges

The following message is applicable ONLY for customers who had
installed the impacted release of ESX 3.5 Update 2 (build number
103908), but not yet applied the express patch.

We are aware that you may encounter the following challenges installing the express patches needed to correct the problem:

  • Internal change control procedures
  • No available server to VMotion running VM’s onto
  • Unable to schedule a maintenance window

If you experience one of the challenges listed above, please contact
your support provider and indicate you need assistance with the U2
Alternative Install Process (U2 AIP). The support team can assist
customers with this alternative installation procedure.


Thank you,


The VMware ESX Product Team