
Stage Manager – VMware Communities Roundtable #4


The VMware Communities Roundtable crew assembled again this morning. This week, our topic was the recently released Stage Manager and our guest was Eddie Dinel, Stage Manager’s product manager. Stage Manager, if you’re not familiar with it, is Lab Manager’s younger cousin, but dedicated to staging and rolling-out the sets of VMs that comprise your business applications. You might think you can do it with snapshots and careful testing and bookkeeping of which linked clone is going where, and which set of servers have what patch on them, but Stage Manager does more and you’re much less likely to screw it up. With a 60-day eval, it’s worth checking out.

We also had special conference correspondent Scott Lowe phoning in a report from Microsoft’s Tech-Ed. Listen by clicking on the player over on the right or download the mp3 directly. (1:02 duration)

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