
VMworld 2008 call for presentations

Have a virtualization success story to share? VMworld attendees want to hear it.

VMworld, the leading virtualization event, hosted by VMware, is now in its fifth year. It’s a must-attend event for all IT professionals looking for actionable ideas, innovative products and best practices for virtualizing the enterprise – from the desktop to the datacenter. To attendees, its value is unmatched—in fact, they say that getting actionable ideas that they can take back to the office is the most important reason they choose to attend. Customer sessions are the key source of those valued ideas.

In addition to the prestige and opportunity to share best practices with attendees, if selected to present, you’ll receive a full conference pass for four days, access to all VMworld sessions and hands-on labs, and hotel accommodations for one night.

Tell us your story

Most VMworld attendees have some experience with virtualization and
they are eager for insights that go beyond the consolidation of
non-mission critical workloads. Are you using virtual machines to build
a better disaster recovery solution? Have you virtualized a critical
enterprise system? Have you found a creative solution how to charge
back business users for virtual machine usage? Have you developed a
process for planning VM capacity? Tell your peers about it!

Session proposals should provide an in-depth explanation of the technology and business challenges you have resolved, as well as a description of your architecture – hardware, software and networking setup of your solution. Advice, key success factors, data points and lessons learned while solving technical, organizational and process challenges related to virtualization deployment are always appreciated by your peers.

Conference Tracks

VMworld 2008 sessions will be categorized by solution track. When submitting your proposal, choose the track that best suits your submission. You will find guidance on topics and target audience for each track when you go online to submit your paper.

This year, we’ve created a content committee of VMware employees, partners, customers and industry analysts to review and select submissions.

Tracks currently planned include:

  • Virtualizing the Desktop
  • Building Business Continuity & Disaster Tolerance
  • Exploring Technology & Architecture
  • Planning & Operations in the Datacenter
  • Automating the Virtual Datacenter
  • Running Applications in Virtual Machines
  • Virtualization 101

VMworld Audience

VMworld attendees are a mix of IT technical professionals and IT business decision makers from organizations representing a wide range of industries. Sessions geared toward IT technical professionals should deepen their practical knowledge and provide actionable steps or new ideas about creating a virtual environment. Sessions geared towards IT business decision makers should provide best practices and real-life examples and data points describing the value virtualization delivers. This year, we will also be targeting attendees new to virtualization and will be looking for sessions that demonstrate the benefits of virtualization, as well as how it works and examples of successful deployments.

Tips for Getting Your Proposal Accepted

Consider the following tips to improve your chances of being selected:

  • Provide examples—The best customer sessions provide in-depth best practices, real-life experiences and lessons learned. Providing data points around your project is key.
  • Be original — Attendees are looking for innovative ways and shared insights on how you approached your virtualization deployment, whether for your desktops or datacenter. Share your unique perspective or story.
  • Substantiate your claims — Make sure your data points are backed by real numbers, and how your business or service levels changed.
  • Know the technical level of your presentation — Attendees will select sessions based on their technical level. The content committee will be choosing a range of technical and business topics. Be sure to accurately designate your submission’s technical level, based on the classification choices provided in the online form.

How to submit

To submit your proposal, visit the VMworld 2008 Call for Papers Web site today. All submissions are due May 9th. We look forward to hearing your virtualization success story!

For more information about VMworld 2008, visit www.vmworld2008.com or email us at [email protected].