VMware View

Learn about application virtualization and VDI: new blog, podcast

Interested in learning more about application virtualization, VMware’s recent acquisition Thinstall, aka Project Northstar, and how it interacts with desktop virtualization in general? Our desktop team has just launched two new information sources that you may want to check out.

Product manager Ed Albanese has kicked off the new VMware Application Virtualization Blog with his first article: Are you wondering what lies ahead for Thinstall? This is a set of frequently asked questions about  the Thinstall product, where you can get more information, and this:

*How will Thinstall and VDI work together? *
In a nutshell, Thinstall makes VDI better. We love that this is the
case and that customers can make their VDI environments better
immediately – without any additional requirements. Customers who
combine VDI and Thinstall will be able to:

  • Create fewer desktop images by separating applications and desktops. This is a huge time-savings for administrators!
  • Reduce storage costs. One of the very coolest features of
    Thinstall technology is its ability to stream applications directly
    into memory – without requiring a local cache – so that VDI images can
    be kept clean and small, yet easily configurable.
  • Improve application compatibility. One of VDI ‘s trademark
    strengths is that it allows administrators to take the current image,
    as it is now, and place it onto a server for access anywhere. Many of
    our customers struggle with application deployment into their current
    image – and Thinstall helps tremendously in reducing that complexity.
    By avoiding application compatibility challenges, administrators get
    the applications they need our to the end-users, on demand, without an
    expensive compatibility testing matrix.
  • Deliver desktops and applications independently. VMware’s
    vision is to enable our customers to deliver desktops as a service for
    their end-users. It’s a compelling vision, and Thinstall technology
    helps accelerate this vision. Customers who combine VDI and Thinstall
    will be able to acheive a significantly more agile deployment model for
    both OS and applications.


We’ve also started a new weekly podcast series* here at VMware on our podcast page. The initial set of programs will be about topics in desktop virtualization, and this first one is a great introduction to application virtualization (aka Project Northstar) and how it relates to VDI.

I’ve listened to lots of podcasts that are too long, too short, too scripted, or too noisy, and this one is none of the above. Tune in to hear three smart guys from VMware — Tyler Rohrer, Henrik Rosendahl, and
Ed Albanese — chat about application virtualization, why you might want to use it, and how it relates to desktop virtualization.

Download MP3 * (12 MB)

* I know, there’s no feed, so it isn’t officially a podcast, but we’re working on that. In the meantime, check back every Tuesday-ish for new episodes.