Announcing the VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK) | Developer Center Blog

Link: VMware Communities: Developer Center Blog: Announcing the latest VMware SDK: The VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK).

Pablo: You must be excited about releasing the VMware Virtual
Disk Development Kit, can you tell us why our developers should be
interested in it?
Hari: Yes. With VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit we are
enabling a new eco-system of partners to develop solutions that
integrate with VMware virtual disk. The VDDK is an open SDK that
developers can use to build cutting edge applications for creating and
accessing VMware virtual disk storage.

Pablo: What are some of the use cases for using the VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit?
Hari:  Virtual Disk Development Kit provides easy access to VMware virtual disk storage.

This enables a wide range of use-cases for application vendors including:

  • Creation of virtual machine disk files to store backup of physical images
  • Read access to virtual disk to enable off-line centralized scanning of virtual machines for anti-virus
  • Write access to virtual disk to enable off-line centralized patching of virtual machines Read access to virtual disk to enable off-line software package analysis of virtual machines