VMworld Europe 2008

Day 2 Keynote: Mendel Rosenblum

Photo: fraposelli

You can check out VMworld Europe 2008 Wednesday keynote the same ways you did yesterday.

Neil Hallworth thought VMsafe was the most interesting. Link: VMWORLD EUROPE 2008: Wednesday Keynote.

Most significant (at least from a financial services perspective) is
the announcement of the VMSafe API. This allows hypervisor level
security protection of the VMs – encompassing the main elements of
isolation, introspection and interposition to provide protection in one
place. APIs to be published so that the security vendors can plug into
and exploit this new functionality. McAfee were up on stage to support
the announcement. It will be interesting to see if this pans out as a
replacement for guest level protection or if it is seen as an
additional layer of defence in depth. Great concept though.

More about VMsafe: press release, website

Adrian Bridgwater gives his rundown of the keynote.

vServices (and OVF) are actually also pretty cool technologies which haven’t been given much attention yet. I’ll see if we can get more information out there after the show.