
CIO survey: 85% happy with the ROI

Just noticed this from CIO Magazine. Nice survey, shows how mainstreamed virtualization is and where people are seeing value and places to watch out. Link: Virtualization in the Enterprise Survey: Your Virtualized State in 2008.

Happy Days Are Here Again

Few ROI calculations please 85 percent of CIOs. The ROI on
server virtualization does, even though you’re struggling to
measure it precisely. Today, virtualization helps many CIOs
reduce costs on a massive scale while improving flexibility to
the business. That’s been the experience of Credit Suisse CIO
Tom Sanzone, whose efforts we profiled earlier this year. CIOs in
enterprises large and small tell the same story: It is easy
to wow the business side with the returns. No wonder you’re

Virtualized Servers: You Love the ROI

Very satisfied 37%
Satisfied 48%
Not very satisfied 6%
Not at all satisfied 2%
Not sure 8%

Reasons to Virtualize Servers

Cut costs via server consolidation 81%
Improve disaster recovery
and backup plans
Provision computing resources
to end users more quickly
Offer more flexibility to the business 53%
Provide competitive advantage 13%