Did you know that vmworld.com was more than just a place to register for VMworld Europe? The team has some interesting developments in the pipeline, including building an increased presence on the site from across the broader virtualization ecosystem. The first of these developments is a new series of Expert Sessions. You can think of these sessions as a bit of slow-motion Q&A — an expert on a topic comes in, gives a recorded presentation, and then sticks around for two weeks and answers your questions.
The first one is on Chargeback, and the session leader is Alex Bakman of VKernel.
Link: VMworld: Chargeback Expert Session.
Learn how to achieve Cost Visibility and implement Chargeback in a
virtualized datacenter. Understand why Cost Visibility and Chargeback
are needed, what organizations need to Chargeback for and discuss when
to begin the process. The advantages and disadvantages of various
Chargeback models will be explored followed by a presentation of how to
calculate Chargeback rates for CPU, memory, storage and network. The
discussion will conclude by reviewing a suggested roadmap for
Chargeback adoption and implementation to help you move forward with
your current project.
You’ll need to register for a free VMworld account, separate from your VMware Communities/VMTN account. You’ll also get access to a white paper and a chargeback calculator spreadsheet. This seems like an interesting way of getting access to industry experts who otherwise don’t often hang around in a community setting.