
VMware Fusion named Macworld Editors’ Choice!

Eddy2006Yes indeed, we gone and won an "Eddy"!

Yesterday, Macworld, arguably as august an arbiter of "Mac-ness" as Saint Jobs himself, named VMware Fusion to its list of 2007 "Editors’ Choices" where VMware Fusion joined the ranks of Mac OS X Leopard, Adobe’s much anticipated Premiere CS3, iWork, and a host of other assorted Mac community worthies.

VMware Fusion has had quite the run in the just-shy-of-five months it’s been out, garnering the praise of of technologists from all across the spectrum, and not a few industry accolades along the way, including those from the "Mac old guard" such as an Editor’s Choice award from Macworld UK, and a "PC Pro Recommended" designation from PC Pro Magazine.

But the chattering mavens of the blogosphere have taken note as well.  The Mac-soaked bible of personal productivity, Lifehacker, named VMware Fusion one of its "Top 10 Apps of 2007", joined by a host of others, from TUAW to Chris Pirillo to Dwight Silverman, Paul Thurrott, TechCrunch, Scott Beale and more.

On behalf of the whole team, I can say that we are honored and humbled by the award, and thrilled that Macworld has recognized the hard work the VMware Fusion team has done in bringing the most advanced, mature, stable, x86 virtualization platform in the world to the most advanced personal computing platform available.