
SearchVMware launches from TechTarget

The good folks at TechTarget have launched a new VMware-specific site, With some old material from SearchServerVirtualization and what looks like a lot of new material, this is a site that you should keep on your short list.

Link: VMware virtualization information and resources –

Ease virtual server provisioning hassle with VMware’s …
In this tip, Craig Newell explains how to make server deployments more turnkey by minimizing manual tasks.

VMware developer predicts streamlined APIs
TIP – Learn
about the common tasks VMware administrators can accomplish with
scripting, the different approaches, some best practices, and also this
could change with ESX 3i.


Installing VMware Server on x64 Linux without pain

TIP – What
roadblocks will IT administrators have when nstalling VMware Server on
64-bit servers running Linux? This tips uncovers the problems and
explains how to overcome them.

VCP certification very marketable in today’s job market
ARTICLE – Technical
certifications like VMware Certified Professional are helping IT
professionals stay ahead of the pack and manage their careers.

Planet V12n member Scott Lowe also has started writing for the site:

VDI on VMware Virtual Infrastructure: Using the three main components

In some aspects, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
takes the best of server-based computing and removes many of the
drawbacks. Most people understand that the concept of VDI is using
virtualization software, typically VMware Virtual Infrastructure 3
(VI3), to host instances of a desktop operating system instead of a
server operating system…

Configuring VLANs in VMware VI3 (Virtual Infrastructure 3)

The key to understanding VI3’s support for VLANs lies
with the concept of a “VLAN trunk”. A non-trunk port—also called access
port—carries traffic for a single VLAN, but a trunk port carries
traffic for multiple VLANs simultaneously…

Authentication in a VMware VI3 Implementation

Many organizations that have implemented VMware Virtual
Infrastructure 3 (VI3), including both ESX Server and VirtualCenter,
but do not have a firm grasp of how these components handle