
Wednesday Keynote liveblogging

It’s the John Chambers show! VMTN Blog will turn it over to the blogging crew here at VMworld 2007. Go forth and refresh:

Scott Lowe:

On the importance of catching the transitions—neither being too late
nor too early—John discussed Cisco’s use of the Internet back in the
late 1990s.  He predicts a “second phase” of innovation, built on
virtualization and harnessing the power of the network (Cisco’s
network, of course!), creating new services, new support, new sales
models, new innovation and acquisition models, and new
command/control/collaboration structures.  Embracing this next
transition will require the CIO to build an infrastructure, in a
cost-effective way, that allows CEOs to “catch the transition”. …

It’s interesting to me as John continues his keynote how he uses
“virtualization” interchangeably with telepresence (“virtual people”)
and remote collaboration.  I suppose that’s a valid use of the term,
since you are “virtualizing” your meeting members, but it’s not a
traditional use of the term.

Alessandro Perilli:

Cisco expects a second major revolution in
productivity since Internet introduction, thanks to new generation
collaboration / Web 2.0 tools. These tools are changing the support
model, the sales model, the way companies innovate and acquire
technologies (8 days instead of 45 on average). And they are being
adopted in the enterprise market after a successful widespread in the
consumer market. To grant a reliable infrastructure for this second revolution Cisco looks at virtualization and convergence.

Also at the blogging tables: