
Blogging live from VMworld 2007

Tune in here at the VMTN Blog for all the VMworld 2007 coverage. There are a lot of bloggers at VMworld this year, and some of us will be liveblogging the keynotes. I’ll try to link to everything I see from here, but if you are a blogger, feel free to drop me a line so I know you’re out there. (There are still a few slots left at the keynote liveblogging table as well, but you’d need to let me know ahead of time that you’d like to join us. My email is jtroyer at vmware.)

Here are some of the other bloggers that I know will be at VMworld:

The full gamut of VMware bloggers will be there as well. Check out Irfan Ahmad’s two sesssions on storage performance, Warren Ponder’s VDI session, as well as Keith Adams on their new inspired-by-DTrace tool VProbes, which looks pretty cool.