
Video/audio roundup: DRS/HA, Deployment Appliance, Will IT Blend? and P2V Roundtable

I’m seeing more and more virtualization video come out. Let me know when you spot new good content worth watching.

Scott Hanson has a new white paper in Dell’s VMware TechCenter with several nice screencasts showing off VMware Infrastructure’s DRS and HA features in action. Definitely worth watching if you’ve never seen the VMotion magic.

Mike Laverick shows off his Ultimate Deployment Appliance (a "DHCP/TFTP/PXE appliance which comes with a web-based management tool
which simplifies installing an operating system to either physical or
virtual machines") in a silent 8:39 screencast.

Jim points us to a funny Novell/Blendtec video about "Blended IT Infrastructure" — this is how I think about VMware Converter. Now just pour into the container of your favorite virtual infrastructure platform.

And speaking of VMware Converter, although it’s not a video, I’m listening to the inaugural Virtual Strategy Magazine Roundtable on Migrating Physical Servers to a Virtual Environment with representatives from VMware, PlateSpin, and HP.

Update: we never linked to this video interview at TSX Nice by virtualization.info’s Alessandro Perilli of Scott Herold and Mike Laverick of the upcoming ESX Server Advanced Technical Design Guide.