Remaindered Links

Remaindered Links – May 11, 2007

From VMware:

  • VMware’s addendum to our white paper "Microsoft Virtualization Licensing and Distribution Terms" (some good new developments, a few clarifications, and a few more data points)
  • VMworld 2007 registration now open
  • You have tried the TCO Calculator, yes?
  • Workstation 6.0
    • Feature comparison: Workstation 6.0 vs Server 1.0
    • Adrian Kingsley-Hughes at ZDNet: "I have a philosophy when it comes to new versions of software that I
      use a lot.  What I like to see is a new product that’s familiar enough
      so I can get on and use it without having to dive into the manual too
      much, but at the same time I like to see a crop of new, useful
      features.  VMware Workstation 6 delivers on both of these expectations."

Elsewhere in the virtual blogosphere:

Virtualization Tips: