
ESX Server Patch Recall

Update (April 19, 2007): New patches are available that replace the two recalled patches.  Details on the two links below.

Normally we don’t directly blog product announcements on the VMTN Blog — instead, they are always blogged on  VMTN Top News, which is also subscribable via RSS.  But in this case, we wanted to be sure we fully communicated the recall of the latest ESX Server patch:

The 2.5.4 patch 6 (Build #41630) and 2.5.3 patch 9 (Build #41618) have been
recalled in the interest of stability for ESX servers.

In an environment where Windows and
Linux virtual machines are configured with vmxnet virtual NIC driver, when the
virtual machine is either powered off, suspended or migrated live via VMotion to
another host, a small amount of memory is not freed.  Hence, multiple virtual
machine power-offs, suspensions and VMotions may cause the host to run low on

A replacement patch which fixes this
issue will be released within a few days and posted to the same page as the
original patch:

2.5.3 Patch Download Page: http://www.vmware.com/support/esx25/doc/esx-253-200703-patch.html

2.5.4 Patch Download Page: http://www.vmware.com/support/esx25/doc/esx-254-200703-patch.html

Additional details, including workarounds, are available at the two links above.