VMware Infrastructure 3

Five more ways to screw up virtualization

Five more ways to screw up virtualization from Computerworld’s Robert Mitchell:

Too much, too quickly. Once virtualization takes hold, it can grow rapidly in many directions
and become difficult to manage — a phenomenon that Matt Dattilo, vice
president and CIO at PerkinElmer Inc. in Waltham, Mass., calls "VM
creep." …

Stumbling on security. In the rush to virtualize servers, it’s easy to mix servers with
different security requirements. "Do you want to consolidate a server
in the DMZ with one behind it?" …

Failure to sell the benefits
. While virtualization may sound like a good idea to IT organizations,
the idea doesn’t always sit well with users. The problem is, many
organizations don’t know how to sell the benefits to constituents. …

Falling into the departmental divide
. Many departments have evolved to support their own applications over
time. The economies of centralized virtualization and server
consolidation tend to cut horizontally across departmental applications
fiefdoms. …

The licensing trap. While virtualization can substantially reduce the numbers of servers
through consolidation, if you don’t plan right, it can actually
increase software licensing costs, users warn. …

If that sounds like it might be you, may I introduce you to some very nice VMware Certified Professionals? They can help.

[Update: See also 44% unable to declare virtualization deployments a success  via virtualization.info, VMblog.com, vi411.org. It’s not rocket science, but your organizational readiness is key.]