VMware Infrastructure 3

DB2 Enterprise 9 on ESX Server

Link: Set up DB2 Enterprise 9 on a Linux virtual machine using VMware ESX Server.

There are a number of reasons why you might want to set up DB2 9 on a virtual machine. For example, you may need to consolidate your servers and make full use of the hardware your company has already purchased. Or, maybe you are trying to set up a test environment that needs to be completely isolated from the production environment. Or perhaps you are trying to test out legacy applications on new operating systems.

If you find yourself in any of these situations, then this article should prove to be a handy reference. We will walk you through setting up a Red Hat Linux (64-bit) virtual machine using VMware ESX Server, and then continue with details on installing DB2 Enterprise 9 64-bit in that image. This article also provides you with tips and techniques on configuring your newly created image and discusses some of the possible configurations or scenarios that you could plan for using the VMware ESX Server product.