VMware Infrastructure 3

Using VI3 advanced features? Tell the world!

If you use VMware Infrastructure 3 in production, we’d like to hear about it, especially if you are using advanced features such as DRS, HA, Consolidated Backup, resource pools, or clusters. We are looking for quotes about your experience so far: how these features have helped your business and turned you into a hero at work with a big fat raise.*

This is a quick and easy way to tell us and the world about how you use this cutting-edge technology. Just email me at jtroyer@vmware and I’ll put you in touch with the right people. If you’re interested in being a formal reference, please also consider joining our Core Customer Program, but I’d still love to hear from you!

*We’ll really only use your comments about the benefits of VMware Infrastructure,  but I always like to hear about the career-advancing benefits of a VI3 deployment.