virtual appliances

Proofpoint and VMware – an apparently non-trivial virtual appliance success story

Link: The Monash Report»Blog Archive » Proofpoint and VMware – an apparently non-trivial virtual appliance success story.

I talked with Proofpoint today, and got a more positive view about VMware’s virtual appliance strategy
than I’ve gotten from other appliance vendors. They cite over 500
downloads in the past couple of months, of which a significant fraction
have turned into actual sales. Specific deployment scenarios they
mentioned include:


  • Demo (of course).
  • Tweak, test, deploy – between
    patches and new anti-spam rulesets, Proofpoint users seem to have a
    rapid change/test/deploy cycle. Virtualization makes it possible to do
    that without having multiple copies of an appliance.
  • Disaster recovery — this seems to      be a big one.
  • “Surges” – depending on what the
    bad guys are doing, one’s need for anti-spam servers can go up and down
    in a hurry. Virtualization makes it easy to respond.