how to VMware Infrastructure 3

VMware ESX Server guest OS performance tips

David Marshall and Wade Reynolds, authors of Advanced Server Virtualization: VMware and Microsoft Platforms in the Virtual Data Center, have a three-part series at SearchServerVirtualization, VMware ESX Server guest OS performance tips

Part One

  • Tip 1: Upgrade to VI3
  • Tip 2: Improve your host’s processor and memory
  • Tip 3: Enhance your host’s storage
  • Tip 4: Optimize your host’s networking

Part Two

  • Tip 5: Be aware of VM-to-host placement
  • Tip 6: Use remote access carefully
  • Tip 7: Virtual machine processors and memory
  • Tip 8: Remove unneeded virtual hardware

Part Three

  • Tip 9: Update VMware Tools
  • Tip 10: Optimize Windows guest operating systems
  • Tip 11: Optimize Linux guest operating systems
  • Tip 12: Use smart antivirus and backup configurations