VMware Server

VMware Server on Windows

Andrew Kutz has been writing some nice material about VMware Server at SearchServerVirtualization.com. His latest: VMware Server on Windows vs. VMware Server on Linux.

On to happier topics. The biggest reason to host VMware Server on Windows is the host operating system’s manageability. When joined to an Active Directory, Windows can take advantage of centrally managed domain accounts, group policy, SMS and many other must-have features for controlling large pools of servers. The stand-out reasons to run VMware Server on Linux are an easy-to-use command-line interface and the fact that the host OS is free.

And SSV has put up a nice table of contents to Andrew’s recent 8-part series, VMware on Windows, which includes

  • Introduction: How VMware Server Works
  • Components and preparing the host server
  • Installing Windows and configuration tips
  • Windows security and Internet Information Server
  • SMTP and VMware Server
  • Configuring VMware Server
  • Creating a virtual machine
  • Installing a guest operating system and conclusions