
Geert Verbist on VMworld

Belgian blogger Geert Verbist has been covering his VMworld experience.

VMworld 2 days blogging in one post

Next great thing, at least to the speakers is the idea that the OS is
no longer a thing to consider. As a professor from a well know
university stated. " We will be looking at applicances which run a
application and that application will no longer run on a full blown OS"
So, in other words the VMTN virtual appliance could be in the future
full application which run without an underlying OS. This kinda caught
my attention. Imagine what this would mean for companies who are using
ESX throughout there business. Will they only be using appliances in
the future? Will companies like oracle provide these pre-installed
Virtual Appliance and just sell these without the implementation cost?
Let’s think about that for a minute.

VCB..is this thing cutting it?

Well, let’s say I was kinda dissapointed to read up on VCB at start.
Excpecially about restoring stuff. Some cool guys from VMware showed me
today that they have found a way (without support by the dev guys) that
would make it possible to EASILY restore these VCB backups without the
need to open up and modify the catalog files. They do it by using the
VMimporter application which is available from the vmware website. When
I get back I will post a manual on how you should do this and what the
exact procedure is to make VCB backup. Finally a good answer from
vmware on this "product".

VMworld photo shoot. More to come …..