
Blogging at VMworld

If you are coming to VMworld and want to blog during the show, we’d love to link to you. So whether you’re liveblogging during the keynote or writing up notes in your hotel room that night, you can let us know in a few different ways:

  • Send us an email at vmtn at vmware
  • Give your blog entry a "VMworld" category and ping Technorati. (More info on tagging and pinging)
  • Embed the Technorati tag "VMworld" in your post. Just add this to your entry:
    <a href="http://technorati.com/tag/VMworld" rel="tag">VMworld</a>

    Here’s an example:
  • Just mention VMworld and like Beetlejuice we’ll probably hear it in the ether. However, we will be busy blogging at the conference ourselves and there are no guarantees a search engine will pick it up, so go ahead and email us.

That’s it! we expect a number of posts after the conference when people go home and get a chance to take stock, so keep coming back to get the whole picture. VMworld is a pretty intense time with hands-on labs, technical sessions, peer discussions and interaction with VMwarians. If you can’t make it this year, the VMTN Blog will be the best way to catch up with what went on, to find out what’s coming up, and to convince your boss that VMworld 2007 will be instrumental in shepherding your virtualization projects to success.