KB for vSAN Support Insight

vSAN Support Insight is a next-generation platform for analytics of health, configuration, and performance telemetry. Its purpose is to help vSAN users maintain reliable and consistent computing, storage and network environment. New KB’s have come out outlining how to work with vSAN Support Insight.

vSAN Analytics for Skyline – How to locate vCenter UUID (51121)

The KB can be found at https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/51121

This article outlines how to identify the vCenter UUID, a unique identifier that will enable VMware support to be able to identify your environment phone home data that has been securely transmitted using the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP).

The KB outlines six different ways to collect this:

  1. vSphere Flex Client – Browse under  vSAN Cluster > Configure > vSAN > Health and Performance > Online Health Check
  2. Managed Object Browser (MOB) – browser to https://<vc>/mob and invoke the RetrieveServiceContent method.
  3. PowerCLI – Get-VC -Server <hostname or IP Address> | fl
  4. vCenter Server Appliance shell – cat /etc/vmware-vpx/instance.cfg
  5. ESXi Shell (6.6.1 and later) – grep vcUUID /etc/vmware/esx.conf See the vCenter UUID under /vsan/configGen/vcUuid.
  6. ESXi Shell (prior to 6.6.1) grep faultDomain /etc/opt/vmware/fdm/hostlist. See the vCenter UUID under faultDomainId.

In addition the listed methods, the new HTML5 UI for vSAN 6.7 includes the UUID under  vSAN Cluster > Monitor > vSAN > Support

The obfuscation map can also be reviewed or downloaded to send to support.

For more information about vSAN Support Insight, see the previous blog on this topic. Additional information can also be found on at StorageHub.



About Download Obfuscation Map Feature (51120)

The article can be found at https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/51120

This article outlines Explains what the “Download Obsfucation Map” does, and how to use it. It is again worth noting that this in the legacy flex client can be found in by browsing to Configure > vSAN > Health and Performance > Online Health Check. I

In the new HTML5 vCenter Web Client it can be found at vSAN Cluster > Monitor > vSAN > Support.

The article outlines Max Privacy mode where you speak with GSS using the code phrases, as well as how to securely upload it to support. It is worth noting that this file once uploaded will expire after 7 days. VMware will not store the translated data anywhere to meet its CEIP compliance.

Two things to note when using this

  1. Anything shared in the obfuscation mapping file would have also been shared in a support bundle.
  2. Incognito mode in Chrome fails to download the file.

VMware is looking to improve the support experience for VSAN clusters, and the vSAN Support Insight empowers new operational models for some of the most secure customer environments.