Hyperconverged Infrastructure Software-Defined Storage VMware Cloud Foundation vSAN

Splunk on VMware vSAN – Case Study and Design Recommendations

Splunk software helps to create hidden value from ever growing Machine Data. These workloads need massive storage capacity; the infrastructure needs to be flexible, scalable and provide linear performance increase with scaling. The traditional approach of using physical servers for server deployment may be an option but not smart enough considering the benefits of virtualization. Splunk has provided recommendations for virtualizing its applications see Deploying Splunk Enterprise Inside Virtual Environments for details.

Further, the advent of Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) makes it easier to plan these big data workloads. It helps combine hardware silos, reduce deployment complexity and management difficulty, and save capital and operational expenditures. VMware vSAN™ is VMware’s premier storage solution for HCI, which provides the broadest set of HCI deployment choices for enterprise Splunk workload deployment and provisioning. VMware vSAN addresses the requirements for running these big data workloads on top of cost-effective x86 hardware and software.


In this case study, we provide design recommendations and experiences based on real-world customer deployment including below details of how VMware IT successfully runs a large-scale production Splunk workload on VMware vSAN.

  • Splunk deployment architecture on vSAN. (Primary and Secondary Site)
  • How vSAN provide linear performance and scalability (1.2 Petabyte raw vSAN Storage) for ever-growing Splunk data.
  • Demonstrate how vSAN HCI provides resiliency and maintains business continuity for Splunk environment.
  • Design choices and recommendations for deploying Splunk on vSAN.


vSAN design recommendations



For details see the recently published Splunk on VMware vSAN  – A Technical Case Study and Design Recommendations for Successful Deployment.


For more VMware vSAN Technical Documentation and Reference Architectures check out storagehub.vmware.com.

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