Cluster ESX Extensions Guest

The making of the vSphere PowerCLI Poster…


Here in sunny Florida and thought I would share with you guys some of the history behind our poster. To date we have distributed close to 9K posters ! 

The very begining……

The poster all started as a casual conversation with Carter. We needed a simple reference sheet that had all the commandlets listed in some organized fashion. We mustered some resources together and got our first release out. As you can tell we have come a long way……..


(Our first poster was printed in India with help from our partners – Interra IT)


Improving the Poster – adding Quick Reference by Alan Renouf

Along the way we wanted to make the poster even better by adding useful references/tips. After weeks of negotiation (Beers) Alan R. agreed to let us use his material for the poster. 

As you can see below we also found a lot of errors 🙂 These errors were probably a result of staring at the same thing for too long. Take a look at the errors found below. Can you spot the hidden messages we incorporated into the poster ?

The latest poster gets even better….

We were grateful to get feedback from our PowerCLI VIP members and came up with our latest version for 4.1.1. and we hope you enjoy it. We are looking at making this a bit easier to print from your home / office but until then..

Your PowerCLI 4.1.1 Poster is here !

Look at all the vSphere Training Courses available around the world..(Im trying to get into the June NY class)