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vExpert 2024: Application Support & Program Resources

vExpert Application Resources

Get a head start on your vExpert 2024 application! We’ve compiled essential resources to assist you in preparing before applications close. Don’t miss the opportunity to be well-prepared before apps lock and we start voting.


The purpose of this article is to cover the application process and how we can provide personal support to ensure you have the tools & information to succeed in earning the vExpert award. I’ll also spotlight the auto qualification paths, introduce the vExpert Best Practice Guide, touch on the 9 key topics, and reveal the official vExpert 2024 program dates.

2024 vExpert Program Dates

  • Application Status: Applications are open now
  • Final Submission Period: December 15th through January 19th @ 5pm PST
  • Voting Period: January 20th through February 15th
  • Awards Announced: On or before February 16th

Note: The “Final Submission Period” is the time when you should finalize your application before it locks and you’re not able to make changes. If needed and don’t be shy, ask a vExpert PRO to review before we lock applications. See details below.

Application Process

Applications are open year round and let me explain this in a bit of detail. We built the application to be used as a year long diary / community participation log so you can note your community activities year round for the next application submission.

The term “Final Submission Period” refers to the period in when you should finalize your application.

If you are new, returning or haven’t receive the vExpert award yet, remember, it’s ok to ask for help. During the final submission period, we suggest reaching out to a vExpert PRO or the vExpert Program Manager Corey Romero to review your application before they lock so you can make the suggested changes if needed.

Personal Support

We have two options for personal support, our Zoom vExpert Office Hours and individual personal support. We will cover each option below in detail.

Zoom vExpert Office Hours

On Monday’s and Thursday’s we host a 1 hour vExpert Office Hours call via Zoom. During the call you can come listen, ask questions, or provide feedback.

Monday Zoom Calls @ 11am PST: – Meeting ID: 880 9769 1748 – Passcode: 639880

Thursday Zoom Calls @ 11am PST: – Meeting ID: 898 5792 9487 – Passcode: 074867

For additional information and to add this to your calendar, visit

Individual Personal Support

The program offers personal one on one support on various topics such as how to get involved in the community, ideas with content creation, application review, and much more. We are here to help just as we covered in the session at VMware Explore Barcelona. We suggest that you watch the session “Level Up Your Career Through Community Participation” to get an idea of how we can help.

We encourage you to reach out to a vExpert PRO, you can find a PRO in your country through the vExpert PRO Directory. You can also reach out to the program manager, Corey Romero who is also in the vExpert PRO directory.

vExpert Best Practice Guide

The vExpert Best Practice Guide is a comprehensive guide that will take you through the entire application, review, voting, appeal and announcement process. See the full list of topics covered below.

vExpert Best Practice Topics

  1. Important Application Guidelines to Keep in Mind 
  2. Which Path Should You Choose?
  3. Guidelines for Application: What to Include 
  4. Guidelines for Application: What to Avoid
  5. The Application Review Process
  6. The Voting Process Outlined
  7. Application Appeal Process 
  8. VMUG Community Contributions & How to Get Involved
  9. Growing Your Network – Use the Follow Me Thread

vExpert Auto Qualification Paths

Some roles within the VMware Community auto qualify for the vExpert award due to the amount of work required but you must apply for the award. VMUG Leaders and VMTN Moderators will auto qualify for the vExpert award after verification that you are active. Remember, you will still need to apply. VCDX Certification holders will also auto qualify for the award after verification.

For questions, or comments, you can email Corey Romero, ([email protected]).