Thank you to everyone who applied for vExpert and to the vExpert PROs for managing the voting process, it’s a lot of work!
We are pleased to announce the list of 2022 vExperts. You can visit the vExpert Directory to see the list and profiles of each vExpert. All of the new and returning vExperts have demonstrated significant contributions to the community and a willingness to share their stories & expertise with others. Contributing is not always blogging or Twitter as there are many VMUG leaders, public speakers, book authors, script writers, VCDX, VMTN community moderators and internal champions among this group.
I want to personally thank everyone who applied and point out that “vExpert” is not a technical certification or even a general measure of VMware expertise. The vExpert PROs selected applicants who were particularly engaged with their community on VMware topics and who had developed a substantial personal platform of influence in their communities.
If you were awarded vExpert, you should now have the acceptance email in your inbox which will explain the entire program and what you need to do to be enrolled in our private vExpert community. We will use the email address provided in your vExpert application for this process as well as conducting the on-boarding throughout the next few weeks so hold tight and expect another email from us soon.
Don’t forget to complete your profile at vexpert.vmware.com. We’re looking forward to working with you all.
To look up your name, search the vExpert Directory.
If you were not selected, don’t give up. If you think we missed something in your application or you forgot to include, follow the appeal process in the email. Engage more with the community and find a vExpert PRO in your region to help guide you to apply for the next opportunity in June 2022 for the 2022 Second Half.
If you missed out on the 2022 applications, we are opening the second half applications in June, 2022. Fill out this form and we will email you once the applications are open.
Thank You,
Corey Romero, the vExpert PROs as well as the VMware Social Media Team