
12 Days of Kubernetes

Day 1

On the 1st day of #12DaysOfK8s, let’s get started with the basics: What is Kubernetes? ☸️
Find out in 5 minutes or less by watching this lightboard video with @vstegeler. More to come tomorrow! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH-2FfFD2PU

Day 2

On the 2nd day of #12DaysOfK8s, learn what Kubernetes is from the founders themselves!

@jbeda and @cmcluck name 7 fast facts, including about its start at Google and the meaning behind the name. Find out even more tomorrow: https://news.vmware.com/technologies/what-is-kubernetes-7-facts?src=so_61b88a094ef26&cid=7012H000001lFo9 

Day 3

On the 3rd day of #12DaysOfK8s , we’re speaking directly to you, the VI Admin

Watch @KendrickColeman’s session to learn everything you need to know—from what is K8s, to how you can start to integrate containers into your existing processes today ✅: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj2OcFj62ZM  

Day 4

On the 4th day of #12DaysOfK8s , we’re happy to share with you KubeAcademy Pro, a Kubernetes training platform that is 100% free! 📚

Access technical, product-agnostic K8s training, workshops, virtual events with community leaders, webinars, & more here: https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/blog/introducing-kubeacademy-pro-in-depth-kubernetes-training-totally-free?src=so_61b88a094ef26&cid=7012H000001lFo9 

Day 5

On the 5th day of #12DaysOfK8s , we’d like to introduce you to VMware Tanzu Community Edition!

Users and learners alike can now install and configure @VMwareTanzu in minutes on your local workstation or your favorite cloud 💻. Find out how: https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/blog/vmware-tanzu-community-edition-announcement?src=so_61b88a094ef26&cid=7012H000001lFo9 

Day 6

On the 6th day of #12DaysOfK8s , learn how we’re expanding the developer toolbox with VMware Tanzu Community Edition 🛠️

In this blog, @gshipley answers the important question: What tools can I use with Tanzu Community Edition? https://tanzu.vmware.com/developer/blog/expanding-the-developer-toolbox-with-vmware-tanzu-community-edition/?src=so_61b88a094ef26&cid=7012H000001lFo9 

Day 7

On the 7th day of #12DaysOfK8s , it’s time to get hands-on with VMware Tanzu Community Edition
We’ll now walk you through Day 0, Day 1, and Day 2—including installing, provisioning, deploying, upgrading Kubernetes & more! Let’s get started: https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/blog/getting-started-vmware-tanzu-community-edition-guide?src=so_61b88a094ef26&cid=7012H000001lFo9 

Day 8

On the 8th day of #12DaysOfK8s , we’ll round out our section on VMware Tanzu Community Edition by learning how to deploy apps and microservices 🚀

In this lab you’ll: familiarize with Tanzu CLI, deploy modern apps, & scale and monitor your applications: https://tanzu.vmware.com/developer/workshops/lab-tce-deploy/?src=so_61b88a094ef26&cid=7012H000001lFo9 

Day 9

On the 9th day of #12DaysOfK8s , we’re getting advanced by deploying Kubernetes on vSphere 💪

@eric_shanks shows you how to install K8s on vSphere with Kubeadm, and guides you on what you’ll need to manually deploy K8s in a vSphere environment on ubuntu https://theithollow.com/2020/01/08/deploy-kubernetes-on-vsphere/ 

Day 10

On the 10th day of #12DaysOfK8s , it’s time to build out your Kubernetes home lab! 🏗️

In this blog, @vspinmaster walks you through how to set up your K8s home lab step-by-step. Be sure to show us your progress: https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2021/06/kubernetes-home-lab-setup-step-by-step/ 

Day 11

On the 11th day of #12DaysOfK8s , we’re answering the question that many of you VMware Admins might have: What do I do with Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters? 🤔

Read this blog by @KendrickColeman for the answer: https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/blog/deploy-kubeapps-tanzu-kubernetes-clusters-vpshere-with-tanzu?src=so_61b88a094ef26&cid=7012H000001lFo9 

Day 12

You made it to the 12th day of #12DaysOfK8s ! Now that you understand what containers and Kubernetes are, next is to learn how they work together 🤝Find out how to containerize a simple application using Docker and deploy it on Kubernetes in this guide: https://tanzu.vmware.com/developer/guides/from-docker-to-kubernetes/?src=so_61b88a094ef26&cid=7012H000001lFo9