Announcements vExpert vExpertPro

vExpert Applications are Open – Don’t Miss Out!


vExpert Applications are Open!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to apply before June 25th. The vExpert awards will be announced on July 17th, be a part of the announcement!

Apply for vExpert 2020


What the Program is About

The vExpert Program is about contributing to the community beyond your day job. The program is not focused on certifications or how much you know about the technology. Whether it’s blog articles, advocating VMware in your company, speaking sessions, book writing, code / script sharing or anything directly related to giving back to the community.

If you are not sure if you would qualify, reach out to a vExpert PRO. The PROs vote on applications and are the best resource to help you with the process.  They are a very friendly group of professionals who speak many languages and represent 40 countries. Meet vExpert PRO, Christian Parker, from Ireland who is willing to help applicants, he also participates in the voting process.


Benefits of being a vExpert

Here’s is list of some of the benefits for receiving the award.

  • Networking with 2,000 vExperts / Information Sharing
  • Knowledge Expansion on VMware & Partner Technology
  • Opportunity to apply for vExpert BU Lead Subprograms (see below)
  • Possible Job Opportunities
  • Direct Access to VMware Business Units via Subprograms
  • Blog Traffic Boost through Advocacy, @vExpert, @VMware, VMware Launch & Announcement Campaigns
  • 1 Year VMware Licenses for Home Labs for almost all Products & Some Partner Products
  • Private VMware & VMware Partner Sessions
  • Gifts from VMware and VMware Partners
  • vExpert Celebration Parties at both VMworld US and VMworld Europe with VMware CEO, Pat Gelsinger
  • VMware Advocacy Platform Invite (share your content to thousands of vExperts & VMware employees who amplify your content via their social channels)
  • Private Slack Channels for vExpert and the BU Lead Subprograms


vExpert BU Lead Subprograms

In the past few years we launched vExpert Subprograms which are all BU driven and lead. This year we have 7 subprograms with an 8th kicking off after this award announcements. The BU driven programs consist of a dedicated VMware resource from the Business Unit to engage and lead the program. The programs offer NDA sessions as well as BU road maps, beta opportunities, product feedback, zoom meetings with the BU and more. You can see the programs and who’s in them by going to the vExpert Directory. All of the programs require approval via an application process similar to the vExpert application.

Video Introducing the vExpert EUC, BU Lead Subprogram

Read the vExpert EUC program announcement post.


vExpert Quotes from blog articles, podcasts personal quotes on how the Program has Benefited Them.

  • VMware vExpert Program discussed. Podcast: “What do you believe the vExpert program is?” (, 2020)
  • Now is YOUR Chance to Become a VMware vExpert “The networking amongst vExperts, and the information sharing and knowledge you get access to is outstanding.” (, 2020)
  • HOW TO: What is a VMware vExpert? “I never thought I was worthy of the vExpert Program!!!” (, 2020)
  • VMware vExpert Benefit & Giving Back to VMUG Community “Soe explains: During one of the vExpert sessions VMware offered Horizon Cloud Test Drive for all vExperts. This is new and the only place to see the entire VMware stack configured and ready to go, integrated with live applications in real world environment.” (, 2020)
  • vExpert 2020 – 2nd Half Applications Are Open. “You Should Apply. the vExpert program is a place where you can share and gain knowledge from like-minded professionals globally It’s like having access to VIP room of the VMware and VMUG communities that is even more hyper focused on sharing knowledge.” (, 2020)
  • Why apply for vExpert? “Upon being accepted to the program I received notifications of many new Twitter followers, which is my main platform for sharing my blog posts. Looking at my dashboard I can see I have had visitors from 55 countries including Brazil, Malaysia, Chine, Japan, Cape Verde, Indonesia, Kenya and Chile to name a few” (, 2020)
  • VMware vExpert: Why you should apply? “The simple fact of this programs existence has propel my career in more ways than I can comprehend at this point. It’s why when I meet fellow VMware guys, I always tell them about the vExpert program and how it can help them too!” (, 2020)
  • How To Apply to become VMware vExpert and Why? “I’m really happy to be part of the vExpert family. It is an amazing community with great people. What else to say? If you still hesitating, you should not -:). Ask vExpert Pro for help or apply now.” (, 2020)
  • VMware vExpert program “In short, being vExpert has opened many doors for me. How to meet relevant people in this “world”, give value to my experience in Virtualization in job interviews,” (, 2020)
  • How Do I Become a vExpert? “the people in the VMware community are its most valuable asset. Many of you may or may not have heard about the vExpert program. If you haven’t, you need to become familiar with it as it can change your life both personally and professionally.” (, 2020)
  • vExpert 2020 Second Half is now open “Since I apply to vExpert, my blog has more than 150k visitors a year… It was a great decision to be part of this problem program, today, I know I have recognition from my peers in vCommunity as a technician that works with VMware products and other areas.” (, 2020)
  • How the vExpert program improves my life “I discovered very fast that the vExpert community is more than just a word. A lot of people who are awarded the vExpert status, are always standing by to help their vCommunity members with sound advise, stories from the trenches and encouragement when you have set your eyes on your next goal.” (, 2020)
  • Do you want to be vExpert? Registration open 2020 If you still have no idea how to do it, and / or need a sponsor to guide and support you, the vExpert PRO are at your disposal to help you. You can find the one that is closest to your area or speak your language in this list (, 2020)
  • My vExpert path In my second year “I became part of the cloud management sub program and this year the security one. This is a specialization, it means you get briefings on upcoming products and roadmap! Again an important advantage. There is no way I would get access to this kind of information as a lonely contractor… Also the cloud management guys have run some fun competitions…. and I attended the Carbon Black conference thanks to the security people. We also had meetings at VMWorld, but not sure if in-person conferences are ever coming back” (, 2020)
  • Be a vExpert “The various Business Units at VMware really do hold the vExperts in high esteem… Your voice is so important that you’re actually able to join smaller groups of vExperts that are dedicated to more specified expertise.” (, 2020)
  • Extra Extra! “VMware vExpert 2020 Applications are Open! For years, there’s been a misconception that the vExpert program is akin to the VMware certification process where you need to take a course, pass a test, etc. Not so. This is more about recognizing you for your evangelism efforts and helping others. This is about community.” (, 2020)
  • 2020 vExpert Applications “On one occasion I was 10 hours into a data center move and hit an issue at 2am with some VMs. I posted on the vExpert Slack and immediately had people willing to help and actually found a fix to my problem.” (, 2020)
  • Why Is The vExpert Program So Dear To Me? “Since joining the vExpert community, I have benefitted in so many ways. I have taken and given professional advice to many colleagues and have even worked with many too.” (, 2020)
  • “I never would have imagined being a part of such a wonderful group of people but it gave me hope and my goal is to give back as often as possible.”, (Al Rasheed, 2018) (, 2020)
  • “Being designated a vExpert back in 2011, and subsequently for 10 consecutive years, has been a ‘badge’ I’ve been immensely proud to display – on my blog, my auto signature, my website, etc. It certainly helps in my conversations with prospective clients in determining ‘credibility’ and I’ve even heard clients lauding me as “She’s a vExpert you know!” Personally, it means I’m a member of a very special community of folks, ones that will always have your back if you need them.”  (Jane Rimmer, 2020)
  • “My application and acceptance into the vExpert program along with my own VMware certifications and personal experience helped tremendously during my interview and application process to eventually become a VMware employee.”, (Nathan Hudson, 2020)
  • “I have even recently had personal blog articles shared by VMware corporate marketing as a way to share what I’ve learned with the broader community.”,  (Nathan Hudson, 2020)
  • “The simple fact of this programs existence has propel my career in more ways than I can comprehend at this point.”, (Trevor Smith, 2020)
  • “The many perks of the vExpert program such as VMware licensing and Freebies allows me to get creative with a complex home-lab that mirrors a setup of a enterprise environment which in turn gives me valuable hands-on experience that I would otherwise be gaining on a production environment that is less tolerant to production-down scenarios.”, (Trevor Smith, 2020)


Which Path Should you Apply for?

Evangelist Path
The Evangelist Path includes book authors, bloggers, tool builders, public speakers, VMTN contributors, and other IT professionals who share their knowledge and passion with others with the leverage of a personal public platform to reach many people. Employees of VMware can also apply via the Evangelist path. A VMware employee reference is recommended if your activities weren’t all in public.

Customer Path
The Customer Path is for leaders who evangelize VMware. We are looking for passionate customers who do the work to evangelize within their organization or worked with VMware to build success stories, act as customer references, given public interviews, spoken at conferences, or were VMUG leaders. The actives must not be related to your position within the company, i.e. not being paid for evangelizing VMware. A VMware employee reference is recommended if your activities weren’t all in public.

Partner Path
The VPN Path is for employees of our partner companies who lead with passion and by example, who are committed to continuous learning through accreditation’s and certifications and to making their technical knowledge and expertise available to many. This can take shape of event participation, video, IP generation, as well as public speaking engagements.

If you are an active VMUG Leader or hold the title of VCDX you will qualify for the vExpert award. VMUG leaders are verified through the VCDX directory. VMUG leader titles and activities are also verified and you must be an active leader in your chapter. Inactive VMUG leaders will not qualify for the award. To apply via VMUG or VCDX, please use the evangelist path and state you are a VCDX or VMUG leader and which chapter. All VCDX applicants will be verified via

Apply for vExpert 2020


Thank you,
Corey Romero & the vExpert Team