
Trying to Upgrade to Windows 10 on Fusion but hitting the SVGA bug? Here’s the simple workaround

Windows 10 released today, and many users are teeming to get started discovering all the great things that Microsoft built.

A number of Fusion uses however are hitting an issue when trying to upgrade from Windows 7, 8 or 8.1.

During the “hardware validation check”, the VMware SVGA graphics driver is misrepresented as being incompatible. This is not true as the drivers have been signed by Microsoft and are indeed compatible with Windows 10.

The simple workaround is rather than using the upgrade method within the VM, download the .ISO and mount it to Fusion to perform the upgrade.

We put together a KB with simple to follow step-by-step instructions here: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2126929

I had written about the issue with some more context on my personal blog here: http://www.mikeroysoft.com/windows-10-and-vmware-fusion/ 

Some users have reported that simply disabling 3D Graphics within Fusion helps as well. Join the Windows 10 discussion in the VMware Fusion Community Forum and share your experiences, we love to hear from you!