
Monday Morning Fun: Sinbad Loves Fusion

Update: Welcome Gizmodo readers!  If you have an Intel Mac, and want to take VMware Fusion for a spin, feel free to download a 30-day fully-featured trial here.

And if you’re already running Windows on your Mac with other solutions, we encourage you to still give us a try.  We’re running a $30 competitive upgrade rebate for Parallels and Virtual PC users.


In an attempt to chase away the Monday morning blahs, we thought we’d share a favorite moment of ours from our time at Macworld. 

The comedian Sinbad stopped by our booth, and when I struck up a conversation with him, I was surprised to find out that not only is he a total Mac-nut, he’s also a VMware Fusion user.

He started with Boot Camp, moved on to Parallels, and then switched to Fusion to help him run Windows on Mac.

Thank goodness I had my digital camera on my hip the whole week, because we got this great interview.  Enjoy!