fusionfaces visualstudio

Fusion Faces: David Alison Cooking Up His Next Brilliant Startup with Visual Studio and VMware Fusion

David Alison is a technology entrepreneur who is always on the hunt for the next big thing.  David founded WebSurveyer and sold the company in 2006, staying on at the new company, Vovici through 2007.

But David’s got a new gig, a startup called "MaxiManage" and as if that wasn’t enough of a challenge for him, he’s decided to move his primary computing environment over to the Mac!

He’s getting along well, but as he puts it "I’m doing all of my core development using Microsoft Visual Studio and
that’s a Windows only proposition. What I really wanted was something
that would allow me to fire up a Windows XP session and run Visual
Studio in it, while still being able to load my Mac applications at the
same time."

Based on VMware’s reputation for rock sold virtualization products, David gave VMware Fusion a shot, and so far, is really happy with the results for running Visual Studio on the Mac with VMware Fusion.  As he puts it:

"I figured I’d install the trial and check out Fusion.  Installation
was a snap – really simple. I had a full version of Windows XP that I
installed within my Mac; no setting up a special partition, the entire
virtual machines exists as a single file within the Mac OS. Nice and
clean – I like it."