
David Knell Sure Loves Making Videos About Switching to VMware Fusion!

David David Knell is so fired up about the “My Switch to VMware Fusion” video contest that he’s submitted not one, but TWO videos about his switch to VMware Fusion. 

One is about running Windows-only office apps on his Mac, and the other is about BIOS hacking.  Um. Yeah.  From the truly mundane to the truly geeky.  David apparently does it all.

Now, even though the video contest is more about people who were already running Windows on Mac in some other fashion, and switched to VMware Fusion, David’s videos about switching to the Mac from having more than one PC addresses issues that lots of users have.  Not to mention his videos are funny.  So we wanted to share them.

Is “Officey” Even a Word?

David’s first video, and his blog post explaining it, is all about how he uses a Mac at work, and needs to run, as he puts it, “officey” applications like Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, and even Internet Explorer to use the office’s HR system.

BIOS, Where Art Thou?

David’s second video is a little more geeky.  Apparently, he’s got a wild side that like to hack around with PC BIOS.  And because Macs hide that stuff pretty well from users, and also, because they uses EFI instead of BIOS, David’s been left a little bit in the lurch without a BIOS to hack on.

Well, apparently he can get his BIOS fix just fine by using VMware Fusion to run any kind of Windows OS he sees fit. So he’s got that going for him.  You can watch the video below, and read more about it on his blog post explaining the video.