
Allesandro Ricondo’s Switch from Parallels to VMware Fusion for Adobe On Location and Adobe Ultra on Mac

BSOD Allesandro is an Italian filmmaker with a thing for Macs and, now that he’s switched, VMware Fusion.

For his primary editing suite, he likes to use Final Cut Pro, Apple’s excellent film editing software (me, I mainly use iMovie, but I’m a n00b!).

The problem is, because Allesandro’s such a pro, he uses specialty filmmaker apps like Adobe On Location and Adobe Ultra, both of which are…you guessed it…Windows-only apps.

In order to get Adobe On Location and Adobe Ultra running on his Mac, Allesandro did the logical thing, and ran Windows in a virtual machine on his Mac.

He started out with Parallels, but as you can see in his video, wasn’t satisfied with the results, and decided to switch to VMware Fusion.

Since he’s switched from Parallels to VMware Fusion he’s a much happier camper, spending more time on being the next Fellini, and less time wrestling with Windows on his Mac.

Check out his video to learn more and see a pro at work!