
Meet Up with VMware Fusion at Worldwide Developer’s Conference: June 10th, 2008 @ 6PM

Pete_s VMware Dell-6 Once a year forces align for a critical mass of Mac developer explosiveness in San Francisco. 

Yes, that’s right, Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference is right around the corner, running the week of June 8th.

So we’re taking the opportunity to host a user meetup in the heart of San Francisco to coincide!

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VMware Fusion [Hearts] Mac Developers

Being Mac developers ourselves, of course we’ll be at WWDC.  But one of the cool things about making virtualization software for the Mac, is that not only do we do Mac development, but we also make a great tool for developers who run Macs.

As we’ve covered in the past, Visual Studio developers are more and more using VMware Fusion on the Mac for great cross-platform development–they can start playing with Xcode on their Mac, and then pop into their Windows VM to do some .NET development.

And with the release of the iPhone SDK and the requirement to run a Mac in order to do development with the SDK, lots of mobile developers who currently develop in Windows for J2ME will be looking at getting a new Mac.  Of course, VMware Fusion can help them move that Windows development environment right onto the Mac, seamlessly.

Come Meet the Team!

The upshot is, there’s going to be a lot of VMware Fusion users, current and future, running around the streets of San Francisco for WWDC, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity for  a good old fashioned user meetup.

As such, on Tuesday, June 10th, we’re hosting a VMware Fusion user meetup, starting at 6PM, at the Thirsty Bear, just down the street from Moscone.  Come say hi to the team, chit chat, geek out, whatever you like.

The event is timed to nicely fill the slot between when the sessions end for the day, and when the Ars Technica / Gizmodo blowout is later that night.  You can warm up with us, and get all the machine virtualization talk out of your system before it’s really party time.

You can see more, and RSVP here:

Upcoming.org Event Listing

Facebook Event Listing