
Joshua Kaufman Switches from Parallels to VMware Fusion for CorelDraw on the Mac

JoshKaufman-1 Josh Kaufman is a graphic designer working in South Carolina. 

Recently, he was looking to get a new iMac for work, but knew that he would still need Windows on his Mac for a couple of reasons.

First, as a graphic designer whose weapon of choice is CorelDraw, Windows on his Mac was going to be a must-have. 

CorelDraw used to produced a Mac-native version, but stopped shipping that a while ago.

Also, as a guy who likes to keep on top of his work, Josh likes to use the Tasks feature of Microsoft Outlook, and Task synching is a feature that is still missing in Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac.  So he knew he needed Outlook 2007 for Windows too.

Josh knew that Boot Camp wasn’t going to be the right solution, as he needed these applications to run side by side with his Mac apps.  He started out using Parallels, but was pretty unhappy with the results.

He’s since switched from Parallels to VMware Fusion, and hasn’t looked back.

You can read more about his switch to VMware Fusion on his great mini-site that he made for the contest.

And, of course, here’s Josh’s video: