
Check Out iPhone Dev Camp, Coming in August

Pete_s VMware Dell-2

There’s a ton of buzz growing about the iPhone Software Developer Kit (SDK), and the army of cool apps that are going to be unleashed onto the iPhone via a vibrant developer community to-be.

Pete_s VMware Dell-3This is going to be a hot topic at Apple’s upcoming Worldwide Developer’s Conference in  June, (which, if you’re going, don’t forget to come to the VMware Fusion user’s meetup!), with lots of current mobile developers wanting to learn about how they can ply their trade on the red hot platform that is the iPhone and iPod touch.

Of course, a platform lives and dies by its developers, and having  a strong community around that platform only helps.  iPhone DevCamp, the first of which was held in July 2007, is blazing this trail.

iPhone DevCamp 2 is being held August 1st, 2nd, and 3rd at Adobe’s offices in San Francisco.  If you’re a mobile developer, and are interested in checking it out, shoot on over to their site

The DevCamp is run on the BarCamp model of community participation, and is financed mainly through sponsors.  Speaking of which….

Cross-Platform Development for Mobile Coders!

The VMware Fusion team is a proud sponsor of the iPhone DevCamp.  Historically, the tools for the most popular mobile development platforms, like Sun’s J2ME, Symbian, Qualcomm’s BREW, and .NET Compact and PocketPC for Windows Mobile, have been Windows-focused. 

That is, the software development kits, and other tools that developers need to do development for these platforms have mainly been available only for Windows.  The iPhone SDK, of course, requires the developer to be running Mac OS X.  What’s a mobile developer to do?

For anyone looking to get into iPhone development, it’s going to mean a Mac.  And if that developer wants to continue his other development with Windows-based tools…there’s no better way to do cross-platform mobile development than with VMware Fusion on a shiny new Mac.  You can see why we’re so happy to be sponsoring the DevCamp!  If it has to do with multiple OSes running on a Mac, we want to be there!

So check out the DevCamp.  It should be a great time!