
Five Great Tools for Windows Maintenance—including Windows in Virtual Machines

v28_cordless_tools We’re unabashed fans of Adam Pash, senior editor over at Lifehacker, thanks to his constant stream of great posts on tips and tricks. 

Adam’s the same gent who had that fantastic post on how to strip down Windows XP super thin to make it run with the lightest footprint possible (64 MB of RAM, was it?) in VMware Fusion.

Adam’s latest installment is on “The Five Best Windows Maintenance Tools” out there.

Because virtual machines are somewhat new technology in the public mind, we get a lot of questions about how VMs should be treated compared to regular, physical machines.  For example, should you run virus scanning software?  Do you need to defragment?

The short answer: you should treat and maintain your VM the same way you would a physical machine—which means virus scanning, defragmentation, spyware scanning, and so forth are a must.

Adam does a great job of trotting out a handful of useful tools for keeping your virtual machine in tip-top shape, and running smoothly.  Check out his post.