
VMware Fusion 2 Keyboard Mapping in the Wild: Visual Studio Shortcuts Edition

imageChris Chew is a .NET developer who recently switched to a MacBook Pro as his primary machine.  Of course, because Visual Studio, the integrated development environment for .NET development, only runs on Windows, Chris is running Windows on his Mac using VMware Fusion 2. 

Chris has a great blog post up about how he’s using VMware Fusion 2’s keyboard mapping functionality to access the “generate” Resharper shortcut—which requires “Alt + Insert,” two keys which don’t exist on the Mac.  You can read more about it on the post.

And to learn more about VMware Fusion 2’s keyboard mapping feature, you can check out the video below.

And for people already using VMware Fusion’s keyboard mapping feature, how are you using it?  For which applications and which keystrokes?  Sound off in the comments!

Keyboard Mapping in VMware Fusion 2 from VMware Fusion on Vimeo.