
Autodesk Loves VMware Fusion: AutoCAD on the Mac

I was checking out my Google Alerts the other day, and came across this great blog post about running AutoCAD on the Mac with VMware Fusion

I’ve seen posts like this before, of course, but what really made me happy this time around was that it was an official Autodesk blog talking about it!  How’s that for validation?

In the post, Shaan Hurley talks about the niceties of running AutoCAD on a Mac, and the various way to do it, including both Boot Camp and virtualization, fairly mentioning both us and our primary competition in the field.

But what really made me smile was this part:

We showed AutoCAD 2009 running on a Mac using VMware Fusion last week at Autodesk University 2008 in the General Design booth.


Yup, that’s right.  When the rubber really hits the road, at a tradeshow, where you want to put your best foot forward, and make sure everything “just works,” the AutoCAD team selected VMware Fusion 2.  Check out the great picture of them at the booth.  

We on the Fusion team haven’t done any specific demo videos showing off AutoCAD, but I did some quick YouTube research, and lo and behold, there are handful of helpful videos out there showing off VMware Fusion 2 (you know, the one with the enhanced 3D acceleration features? Yeah, that one. ) running AutoCAD.

Here are the videos I found (with Spanish captions, no less!):

The first one shows off how to disable the “Optimize Mouse for Gaming” feature to get the best performance.

And this one shows off Unity, Single Windows, and Full Screen views:

And here’s everyone’s favorite “OMG! 3D acceleration is in Fusion 2” demo (in which I got to play Gears of War at work…nice eh?)