
PHP and Web Development Tips with VMware Fusion

Brian Roy published a fun video blog today with some tips for how to do really easy web application development using VMware Fusion on your Mac.

Brian is a web developer, and he does a lot of development using PHP, which ultimately runs in a LAMP stack.  In his case, a lot of his work runs in the Amazon EC2 cloud.

Brian uses VMware Fusion as a way to have a virtual machine instance of Fedora (which is what Amazon runs in its EC2 cloud) on his Mac, in which VM he has created a shared folder that points out onto his Mac, where his PHP and HTML code resides.

Brian likes to code using the text editor Smultron, on his Mac, and so when he saves off what he’s doing in Smultron somewhere in his Mac Documents folder, he can immediately pop over to his Fedora VM on Fusion, and test run that code over the shared folder.

That is to say, Apache, running in that Fedora VM, can execute that PHP code, via the shared folder, which looks out onto Brian’s Mac.

You can watch Brian’s video below, and below that, there’s one of our handy tutorials that talks about shared folders.  Enjoy!

Video: VMware Fusion Developer Tips and Apple after Steve Jobs from Brian Roy on Vimeo.


And here’s that video tutorial on using Shared Folders: