
Take Control of VMware Fusion 2 Series: Introduction

Cover_vmware_fusion_2 I am pleased to introduce a new resource for both new and power users of VMware Fusion: Take Control of VMware Fusion 2, an ebook by Joe Kissell. The book focuses on using Windows on your Mac, and how you can take advantage of the full power of VMware Fusion 2. Joe has done a fabulous job unearthing some of the VMware Fusion's less obvious features, and explaining not just how VMware Fusion works, but how you can best make use of it to solve real world problems.

In a blog series starting today, I will give you a taste of what the book has to offer by posting some interesting VMware Fusion tips and tricks from the book. This series will run weekly in the next couple of months. So make sure you come back for more!  Without further ado, here is this week's excerpt from Joe Kissell's new book Take Control of VMware Fusion 2:

Automatic Screenshots

As you use your virtual machine, Fusion takes a screenshot of your entire Windows screen every 10 seconds, and displays a thumbnail of the most recent screenshot in the Virtual Machine Library window. If you drag a thumbnail from the right side of the window to your Mac Desktop (or another folder), the full-size image (in PNG format) is copied there.

Picture 1

If you found this excerpt helpful, get more free samples in this PDF file. To learn more about the book Take Control of VMware Fusion 2, or buy it, click here.