
VMware Fusion 2.0.3 Update Now Available

We are pleased to announce our latest maintenance release of VMware Fusion 2. VMware Fusion 2.0.3 is a free update for all VMware Fusion 1.x and VMware Fusion 2.x users. You can download the bits here.

VMware Fusion 2.0.3 is a concentrated effort by the team to fix a small number of high-impact issues. Here are the highlights of the release:

Printing Works Again!

VMware Fusion's driverless printer sharing feature allows you to share your Mac printers very easily with your Windows virtual machines, with no driver installation or configuration needed. However, the feature stopped working on Mac OS X 10.5.6 after Apple Security Update 2009-001. We raced to get this fixed, and I am happy to announce that you can share your printers again in VMware Fusion 2.0.3!

Picture 3

We also fixed another printing related issue, where the Enabled check box in VMware Fusion Printer Settings (shown above) might get deselected automatically.

Runs on the Latest Macs

You can run VMware Fusion 2.0.3 on the new Mac Pros, iMacs, and Mac Minis that Apple released in March 2009. If your new Mac comes with the default graphics option, Fusion 2.0.3 will run great on it. For users who opted for the non-default ATI graphics card on the Mac Pro or iMac, there is a known 3D issue and we recommend you turn off 3D acceleration for the time being.


Experimental Support for Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server as Guest

If you are a Mac developer and have access to Apple's Snow Leopard seeds, you can now run the latest Snow Leopard Server builds (32-bit kernel) released before April 2009 in a virtual machine. This allows you to play with the latest Apple operating system in the safety of a virtualized environment, and to test your software in different versions of Mac OS X on a single Mac.

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You can read more details including known issues in the release notes. Enjoy VMware Fusion 2.0.3!